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The Produce to Always Buy Organic—and Why 2022

If you still trust that the FDA has our best interests at heart, know that Dacthal, a classified potential carcinogen that has been consistently found on kale, continues to be legal. 

The Environmental Working Group recently announced that nearly 60 percent of kale samples sold in the US were contaminated with this herbicide. This news follows reports over the years that confirm the presence of Dacthal on various crops, including beans, cucumbers, and artichokes, even after the EPA classified its carcinogenic potential in the mid-1990s. The European Union prohibited any use of this dangerous chemical more than a decade ago.

Where does that leave us? Fending for ourselves. We need to vet what we put on our plates and in our bodies. One excellent resource to help us stay informed is the EWG’s Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen: two annual lists that corral the fruits and vegetables with the lowest and highest amounts of residue from potentially harmful pesticides. On the 2022 lists, you'll find that non-organic kale—as well as non-organic collard and leafy greens—are some of the biggest culprits of having toxic residue. 

The others are also consistent. Strawberries always land in the top spot as one of the most contaminated crops. Department of Agriculture findings have shown conventional strawberries to have an average of more than seven different types of pesticides, with some samples showing twenty-plus pesticides. (For the full 2022 list, read on.)

It's criminal that chemicals linked to health issues continue to be sprayed—legally!—on our foods. The US lags behind other nations when it comes to healthy agricultural practices. Thankfully advocacy organizations like the EWG exist to help us parse through the rhetoric. 

It's imperative that we continue to advocate for a food supply system by supporting small, sustainable farmers and buying organic produce. We can also take action at the grassroots, state, and national levels for the eradication of harmful chemicals—once and for all.

The 2022 ‘Dirty Dozen’

This is a smart resource to help determine which fruits and vegetables are most impacted by pesticides and other chemicals. However, there are dozens of fruits and vegetables left off this list, which is why at PrimaFoodie we suggest opting for organic produce to minimize your exposure and consumption of potentially toxic chemicals. When buying organic presents a hurdle, aim to always go organic for these twelve.

1.) Strawberries
2.) Spinach
3.) Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens
4.) Nectarines
5.) Apples
6.) Grapes
7.) Bell and Hot Peppers
8.) Cherries
9.) Peaches
10.) Pears
11.) Celery
12.) Tomatoes

The 2022 ‘Clean Fifteen’

When buying organic is an obstacle, the following list of conventional fruits and vegetables shows the options that are least impacted by pesticides and herbicides. But still take note: A minimal amount of residue still tends to show up on the skins or in the fruits—so if possible, still opt for organic if you can.

1.) Avocado
2.) Sweet Corn
3.) Pineapple
4.) Onions
5.) Papaya
6.) Frozen sweet peas
7.) Asparagus
8.) Honeydew Melon
9.) Kiwi
10.) Cabbage
11.) Mushrooms
12.) Cantaloupe
13.) Mangoes
14.) Watermelon
15.) Sweet Potatoes

 For full downloadable versions, visit theEnvironmental Working Group.