The Rise of Autoimmune Disorders with Dr. Tania Dempsey

Chronic immune issues are becoming increasingly common, particularly amongst young people, and today we are joined by integrative medicine doctor, Dr. Tania Dempsey, to investigate why. “Medical detective” Dr. Dempsey is a board-certified physician specializing in integrative medicine and chronic disease, with a focus on identifying the root of her patients’ health problems. In this episode, Dr. Dempsey explains what autoimmune disorders are, what can be attributed to their rise in recent years, and what people can do to improve their health. We also touch on the benefits and limitations of telehealthcare, the dying art of the physical exam, and the effectiveness of diet in treating autoimmune disease. Tune in to learn what integrative medicine is, and about Dr. Dempsey’s holistic approach to treating chronic illness patients.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Dr. Tania Dempsey’s approach as an integrative medicine doctor.

  • Her focus on treating chronic illness patients.

  • How she combines in-person and remote care.

  • Her willingness to collaborate with other doctors and how that would play out.

  • What Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is and how it manifests.

  • Dr. Dempsey’s diagnosis process.

  • The limitations of telehealthcare.

  • An unfortunate dichotomy when it comes to insurance.

  • The rise of chronic health issues.

  • Why Dr. Dempsey refers to herself as a medical detective.

  • The most common autoimmune disorders.

  • Autoimmune disease explained.

  • Why autoimmune issues are increasingly common.

  • The small changes people can make to improve their health.

  • Dr. Dempsey’s approach to diet and nutrition when treating patients.

  • The effectiveness of diet in treating autoimmune disease.

  • Dr. Dempsey’s final words of encouragement.


“There's this false sense of security in the blood work and the other types of testing that we have available.” — @drtaniadempsey [0:16:22]

“I feel like every patient I see now is worse than the patient before.” — @drtaniadempsey [0:21:28]

“Autoimmune disease is your body thinking it's fighting something but really, [it’s] fighting yourself.” — @drtaniadempsey [0:26:35]

“There are small changes that people can make, that might make a difference in their health.” — @drtaniadempsey [0:32:41]

“As a society, and as human beings, we need to remember what we thrived on for millions of years, and we have to go back to basics.” — @drtaniadempsey [0:40:46]

“It's most important to get the younger generation on board because they're the ones that are most vulnerable. The toxin load for them is so much greater than it is for what the older people have accumulated over their time.” —
@drtaniadempsey [0:44:07]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Dr. Tania Dempsey

AIM Center for Personalized Medicine

Dr. Tania Dempsey on Twitter

Dr. Tania Dempsey on Instagram

Dr. Tania Dempsey on Facebook


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