Beauty Is Not Frivolous

There is a power to fresh flowers. Having them in the house, these small vignettes of beauty, brings me joy. They lend a boost of color, life, and beauty every moment I walk by them.  

Feeding our brains with these aesthetic pleasures is essential. It may seem frivolous to spend on a fresh bouquet when things are so uncertain, but I believe it's important—perhaps now more than ever—to surround ourselves with beauty. It reminds us that right outside there is still a very beautiful world.  Knowing this can lift us up.

My personal coach, Coach Keren Eldad, told me that when she was going through a tough time, she became very interested in upgrading her décor. That’s when she started bringing fresh flowers into her home every week. Coach Keren says this small act changed the way she felt. She felt more and more uplifted as she found the strength and inspiration to rise out of that tough time. “Our surroundings have a major effect on how we feel,” says Coach Keren. “This isn’t a matter of frivolity or superficiality. It is about filling our senses with sights that delight and inspire. Taking the time to do this sends a signal to the brain that you are in a place of beauty, that your surroundings are as great as you deserve, and that there is much beauty to be enjoyed. These are all feelings of abundance.”

Recently, my family and I drove around town delivering bundles of tulips to friends and neighbors; former strangers who are now bonded with us in an unusual moment in time. Waving at them through their gates and windows, we laid down the flowers for them to enjoy.  The happiness I felt from this small delivery is indescribable. It is the joy of giving, of serving others. That is the spirit with which I live my life. It is a mindset that I recommend—perhaps now more than ever. 

Though this moment is wrought with uncertainty, deep discomfort, and—for many of us—even grief and terror, I encourage you not to lose hope. Do not be defeated. Believe that better days are coming and that the world will emerge transformed—yes!— perhaps for the better. If you are well and able, take this time to write, cook, and create new memories with your loved ones. We are all in this together, smelling the flowers.

With Love,