From Ice Plunges to Dream Readings: What We Learned from our HEAL with PrimaFoodie Summer Health Summit

At the risk of sounding cliché, it feels like just yesterday when we were producing our first virtual summit. Our small-but-mighty team (we’re looking at you Adrienne and Emila!) had boots on the literal and digital ground, booking talent and recording workshops, while Nichole was juggling interviews, partnerships, and all the like. There were moments where an hour felt elastic as we stretched it to fit in all there was to plan.

Now here we are, on the other side of the launch of the HEAL with PrimaFoodie Virtual Health Summit, feeling revitalized and empowered. This project was a lesson in gumption and kismet, and a reminder that when we follow our guts, and keep them healthy, great lessons unfold. We’re grateful to each of you who joined.

There were giant takeaways from this premiere event that amplified our minds, bodies, and souls.

  • For our mental wellness, we learned how to break free from toxic thoughts from Keren Eldad. We found essential time management skills for moving through our weeks with joy from Margot Janks. We benefited from a practice to help us tap into a “deeply respectful motivation” to be present from Elena Brower.

  • For our physical wellness, Dr. Jacklyn Tolentino informed us on symptoms of blood sugar and hormonal issues. Jennifer Ragazzo revealed exactly why a damaged gut impacts our entire bodily system (including our skin and emotions). Hilda Labrada Gore gave us one of the most impactful home tools to boost our energy, mood, and glow. (The effect it had on Adrienne and Emila was instant proof!)

  • For our emotional and spiritual wellness, Jennifer Swartley gave us the wisdom to acknowledge and breathe through burnout. Sarah Chavez and Marina Mizruh illustrated why creating inviting, warm, personal interiors can have immediate effects on how we feel. And R.A. Leslie walked us through a journaling practice to help us “critically think” about our lives.

Of course, these learnings are only a hint at all we covered and the amazing talent that took part. We also got cooking and baking in the kitchen, conversing about how we need to support regenerative agriculture, and the fascinating reasons behind why eating more nutrient-dense foods is an act of environmental activism. 

At the end of it all, we felt lighter and more positively charged than we ever have. We’re fueled to do this again. Stay tuned for more HEAL with PrimaFoodie summits in-the-works—and let us know if there’s anything you wish to learn about in the future.  

Our sincere thanks to each of our talented experts for their contributions: Britta Plug, Dr. Robin Currey, Jennifer Swartley, Farmer Lee Jones, Amanda Ramirez, Margaret Floyd Barry, Jennifer Ragazzo, Leah Ann Bolen, Barbara Stamis, Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino, Michael Mansour, Laurel Gallucci, Seonagh Kummer, Elena Brower, Margot Janks, Jayne Williams, Sarah Chavez and Marina Mizruh, Belinda McCall, R.A. Leslie, Hilda Labrada Gore, Monica Ford, Keren Eldad, Abigail Wald, and Hitha Palepu,

What to Expect at HEAL with PrimaFoodie, Our First Virtual Wellness Summit

When we first set out to host a wellness summit, we were clear on two things.

First, we wanted it to be fun and inspirational. The world is saddled with hardship and our lives are busier than they’ve ever been. These truths can make uplifting ourselves and making changes toward an empowered and healthy lifestyle a challenge.

Secondly, and most vitally, we wanted our summit to be accessible. Wellness is not a privilege; it is a right for every human. This creed has always been a passion point for Nichole and all of us at PrimaFoodie. The lessons, foods, and tips that open the doors to true well-being need to be right there for all of us, no matter our background or standing in life.

So here we are, amped by these convictions. We’re thrilled to present to you a peek at our first digital wellness summit, H.E.A.L with PrimaFoodie, taking place on August 25th & 26th*. We’ll be gathering online for inspiring and engaging workshops, interactive sessions, and interviews led by our founder, Nichole, and the PrimaFoodie team. Joining us will be experts in the fields of holistic health, nutrition, food activism, mindset coaching, bodywork, and sustainability to educate and empower. These individuals are the best in their fields, and they’re bringing their coveted wisdom to help all of us in the PrimaFoodie community make the shifts we desire.

The intention of this summit is to revitalize your self and soul. To support you in doing this, you’ll get access to life-shifting information, plus downloadable takeaways to bring with you to continue your healing journey. Not to mention there will be exercises, cooking tips, and mindset focuses to keep tucked in your “pocket” so you can thrive no matter where you are. 

This is just scratching the surface. The key to this gathering is you: Whatever you seek—be it to shed old habits, lean into a cleaner way to eat, or find the courage to take a new wellness path—we’re there for you. Take a peek below to see some of the many experts and offerings we have slated.

And lastly, back to the word: “accessible.” If you or someone you know is eager to join yet faces a challenge with our ticket price, please send us a note here. We have a handful of tickets available at a sliding scale and want to ensure everyone who wants to join can.

We can’t wait to see you on August 25th & 26th. Here’s to our good health and luminosity.


Some of the offerings and experts at H.E.A.L with PrimaFoodie:

  • A ‘Detox Your Mindset’ Workshop with world-renowned career coach Keren Eldad.

  • A transformational breathwork session with intuitive healer Barbara Stamis.

  • A radical new look at hormone imbalance with Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino.

  • Tools for conquering burnout with leadership and mindset coach Jennifer Swartley.

  • And much much more…




*All ticket holders will have access to the digital summit content for one week, beginning on August 25th.