The PrimaFoodie Guide to Meat and Poultry

It’s common to toss around expressions like grass-fed, non-GMO, or pasture-raised. While these food designations stand for an important movement, they can be confusing and easy to misconstrue. In some cases, the actual meaning of a term is so murky that a closer look unveils it’s really nothing more than cryptic marketing jargon. And while the USDA may mandate criteria for certifications, some requirements are weak, which leaves many loopholes for producers to jump through.

This all siphons down to the crux of a huge issue: The rules in the US are laxed, which means we have to continuously ask questions and push for food-system change. One place to start is to shop from conscious companies that put human health and the welfare of animals over profits. Finding these companies requires consistent vetting, which gets easier with an understanding of the common food designations.

This glossary is meant to be bookmarked for quick reference for when you’re shopping. Since the food world is gigantic, we’re breaking this guide into sections. First up: meat and poultry.


Grass-fed pertains to ruminate domestic animals—cows, bison, goats, sheep—and pigs. It means the animals have been fed grass, which, as grazers, is their natural means of sustenance. The term seems rather clear, but it is common for animal proteins to be marketed and sold as grass-fed while other underlying conditions for how the animal was treated or fed go unmarked. (For instance, this could include beef cows that were fed grass their entire lives except for the last few months when they were fed grain or other substances to fatten them.) Employing the term grass-fed is also a common way for companies to up the prices on their meat without truly following through on other good measures. To ensure the meat is of the best quality, and the animal was raised humanely, grass-fed should be coupled with other modifiers such as certified organic (to ensure the grass the animal grazed on wasn’t laden with pesticides), grass-fed and finished, pasture-raised, and humanely raised. To further vet, look to third-party certifications, such as from the American Grassfed Organization. This non-profit is vigilant in making sure the animals were allowed to graze in an open grass field, were never put in feedlots, and were never given hormones or antibiotics. (The AGO does not monitor if the animals were humanely slaughtered.)


The USDA Organic label means that the meat and poultry comes from animals that were fed certified organic food (this can include both grass and grains), were allowed to ruminate and graze in an open outdoor pasture (no feedlots), and were never given antibiotics or hormones. This label also takes into consideration methods put into place that help to honor and conserve natural farming ecosystems. It does not include a mandate that the animals were humanely slaughtered.

Grass-fed and Finished

This means that the cow, bison, lamb, or pig was fed grass its entire life, up to the last day before it was butchered.


This claim is also sometimes seen as “no antibiotics ever” and “raised without antibiotics.” It means that the meat or poultry comes from animals that were not given antibiotics while they were raised. The USDA provides a verification for the modifier antibiotic-free, but it is important to note that this only pertains to antibiotics and not hormones or other potential drugs.


This signifies that the meat or poultry comes from animals that were not injected with hormones while they were raised. Similar to antibiotic-free, this only pertains to hormones and not antibiotics or other potential drugs.


All animals, including those raised for human consumption, should be granted lives filled with respect and decency—and this means allowing them living quarters that mirror their natural worlds. Ruminate animals need space to roam and graze. Pasture-raised means that the animals were able to roam on pasture during the grazing season. But, once again, this can be tricky: Pasture-raised does not necessarily mean their sole food source was grass. 


Free-range pertains to poultry but, in many ways, it is similar to some of the designations used for beef and other meats. This indicates that the fowl was able to roam freely, most likely outdoors, rather than forced to stay in a cage. It is important to note, however, that this may not necessarily mean the bird was able to freely roam its entire existence. We also question the quality of the space: Was it generous? Airy? Well-kept? Various outside certifications mandate that free-range means access to a certain amount of outdoor space. The Humane Society of the US specifics this be at least 1.8 feet per hen that offers the ability to “nest, perch and dust-bathe.”


Another term that pertains to poultry and the welfare of the animal. As the designation suggests, cage-free means hens raised outside of cages. However, it does not mean that they had the ability to freely roam or that they had access to the outdoors.


This means the meat or poultry comes from animals that were not fed any genetically modified grains or substances (i.e. corn, alfalfa, or soy). To ensure the validity of this claim, look for the Non-GMO Project certification, a small orange butterfly, on the label. This means the producer met the standards mandated by the Non-GMO Project organization, a non-profit that pushes for greater transparency in the food system and the eradication of genetically modified foods.

Deciphering the best option is a matter of choosing what is most important to you, whether that means the treatment of the animals, the quality of the meat, the farming impact on the environment, or all. To ensure a claim is not a vapid statement, it is best to look for third-party certifications and other modifiers like “100-percent” to know the designation accounts for the animal’s entire life after it was weaned. We find the most encompassing options to be certified grass-fed or certified organic. With that said, we all have to continuously fact-check and vet—that is, until the day that the only choice on the market is the healthiest, 100-percent humane and ecological option.

The PrimaFoodie Guide to Conscious Small Brands: Coast to Coast Edition

The journey to clean and conscious eating has its challenges. Regions throughout the US still lack access to fresh ingredients. People are strapped for time, desire, or nutrition information. There is also an abundance of misinformation and greenwashing, as countless manufacturers continue to include harmful ingredients while claiming their products to be “natural.” These issues feed the dark truth behind the global food system.

It is because of these reasons, and many others, that we do what we do at PrimaFoodie.  For too long, barriers to clean food have thwarted progress. We want to call out the bad and call in the good—the farmers, educators, and entrepreneurs who are working to provide the world with accessible, honest, nutritious food. You’ll find those pioneers in this roundup of conscious small brands.

Each of these independently owned companies distributes or produces foods that are wholesome and clean, and they do so transparently and fairly. They provide information about their supply chains and work to make their pricing fair and attainable. They also put people over profits. We believe that fairness and equality are as essential as organic and non-GMO.

This guide will be an evolving project. For this first chapter, we’ve included purveyors and makers that ship nationally (or to most of the US). We’ll continue to add to it as we explore new companies.

Like anything, a real shift starts with small steps. The more people support independent brands, the less momentum the corrupt global food conglomerates will have. This all begins with ideas, which grow into conversations and ultimately a global movement.

A Guide to Small Conscious Brands

Meat and Poultry

8 O'Clock Ranch

John and Kassandra Barton have been sustainably raising their animals on their upstate New York Farm for more than twenty years. They started out with sheep, and eventually included cows, pigs, and chickens. Today, they partner with several other local farmers and ranchers to offer humanely raised, grass-fed beef, chicken, and pork, as well as maple syrup and local CSA boxes.

Peads and Barnett

Fresh air. Open, spacious fields. Zero GMO foods. These tenets are paramount in how the founders behind Peads and Barnett raise their pigs. The humanity shows in their fresh organic pork, many that come in cuts that mirror the European, Japanese, and Chinese styles that are hard to find in the states. While their products are primarily found at several LA-area farmers’ markets and specialty foods shops, they do offer some local delivery. It’s worth sending them an email to inquire if they’ll ship to your area.



Greensbury has been working with sustainable and organic farmers, fisheries, and ranches across the US since 2007. They corral products based on their strict vetting parameters, which include meats that are only grass-fed, and hormone- antibiotic, and steroid-free, and wild-caught, sustainable seafood. There’s also a section on the online market that offers bone broths and family bundle options.

Wild Alaskan

There are two huge reasons we love Wild Alaskan: Every piece of fish offered on the site is wild and sustainably caught. And two: The site makes shopping easy and transparent. You can choose from various boxes (some all salmon, some whitefish and salmon) according to price. It’s efficient and clear.


Seafood is Ben Hyman’s passion. After spending twenty years on commercial fishing boats and seeing a lack of respect, sustainability, and transparency in the industry, he launched WildLocal. As the name suggests, Hyman focuses on seafood line-caught in the Pacific waters outside his Ventura, California base. You can shop the weekly fisherman’s catch online and have it expressed delivered on ice. (But if you’re in Southern California, it’s worth catching Ben and his team at one of the local farmers’ markets they attend in and around Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, and LA.)

Baked Goods, Chocolates, and Other Sweets

Sweet Laurel

It’s impossible not to fall for everything Sweet Laurel. Their whole-food baked goods have the ability to render the biggest sugar lover speechless with one bite of their organic, grain- dairy- refined sugar-free treats. Co-founder Laurel Gallucci has a talent for whipping together minimal whole food ingredients to make spongy cakes, gooey cookies, crumbly shortbreads, and decadent pies that rival any conventional confections. She and co-founder, Clair Thomas, have brought these recipes to the mainstream with their Pacific Palisades bakery. But if you’re not in Southern California, they divulge their secrets in their cookbook, and offer an assortment of baking mixes, ingredients, teas, and coffees online.

Hopf Chocolate

Founder Andrea Hopf does everything with intention and meticulous care. Her love for pure, raw, organic foods stems from her upbringing in Germany and fuels her line of high quality, vegan chocolates. Each treat contains the purest raw and organic ingredients—creamy cacao butter, plant nectars, quality spices—that makes for treats that are rich and indulgent. (The recipes are also high in natural minerals and contain no refined sugar.) Andrea has extended her line to now include nut butters, vegan cookie dough (a glorified nut butter treat meant to eat straight out of the jar), hot cocoa, and nut milks.

Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Spices, Beans, and Breads

Vision Sprouts

This husband and wife team produces the creamiest organic nut butters we’ve had. The secret is in how they stone grind the sprouted nuts, using no heat to retain the maximum amount of nutrients. (We love their Sprouted Almond Butter over fresh strawberries for dessert.) They also specialize in organic sprouted beans, seeds, and nuts (all of which they ship nationally), as well as organic microgreens that are available for customers in their Southern California region.

One Degree Organic Foods

One Degree is taking transparency to the next level. On every package there is a scannable QR code that links to literature and videos about the ingredients, farmers, and practices that went into making that specific product. All of their cereals, breads, granola, flours, and seeds are non-GMO and organic, as well as free from glyphosate, colorings, and other additives. You can’t shop their goods directly from their site, but Thrive Market and a handful of other online purveyors offer their goods.

Diaspora Co.

Diaspora founder Sana Javeri Kadri sources spices that “are an expression of the land they’re grown on, and the heirloom seed that they’re grown from,” she says. Kadri works directly with single organic farms that deliver the brightest, most potent spices and pay their workers a fair wage. The result is a product that you can feel good about—and one that is unparalleled. Diaspora’s turmeric is bright and zesty, its chilies are complex and deep, and its peppercorns are fruity and layered.

The Philosopher’s Stone Ground

Another maker of incredible small-batch, stone ground nut butters. Full of enzymes, nutrients, and flavor, these butters are creamy and smooth—and they only contain sprouted organic nuts and a handful of other organic, fair-trade ingredients.

Katinka’s Nourishing Kitchen

Katinka is a nutrition expert and yogi who makes nutritionally dense, grain-free clean baked goods. She uses only vegan, low glycemic, gluten-free, non-GMO whole ingredients in her mixes, which she handcrafts in small batches. Her breads are some of the rare gluten-free options that aren’t laden with vapid starches.

Boundbrook Farm

Located in Vergennes, Vermont, Broundbrook Farm specializes in small-batch ecological organic rice farming. They are one of the few farms in the US that mirrors practices borrowed from Japan, in which they use their beloved ducks to help tend to the rice fields to control the pests and weeds. You can order their white and brown rice to be shipped.  

Kandarian Organic Farms

Larry Kandarian is a true steward of soil. A farmer with nearly three decades’ experience, he follows sustainable, organic practices and puts integrity first. This shows in the variety of beans he cultivates on his farm, which we think are the best around. He also produces ancient grains, lentils, seeds, and organic herbs and spices, all of which are available for order online. 

Online Grocers

Imperfect Foods

Imperfect Foods brilliantly offers a solution to major roadblocks in our food system: copious waste and unaffordability. The online marketplace offers a large array of organic fruit, vegetables, meats, poultry, dairy, nuts, and more at about 30 percent below the average grocery story price. The cost savings comes from Imperfect’s model, which sources produce and other foods that are deemed ugly (fruits and vegetables that have been tossed aside because of their dents or imperfections), undervalued, excess inventory, or lacking in demand. You need to still be diligent when shopping here, as not all items are organic and the brands can vary. Imperfect also provides grants to nonprofits that are working to make our food system more inclusive, transparent, and healthy.

Thrive Market

Thrive Market is the result of four founders who were steadfast on offering nutritious, small brand natural products at affordable prices. In 2014, the team launched an e-commerce grocery store that does its due diligence in sourcing products that are organic, non-GMO, and sustainably made. What we love is how easily navigable it is: Items are divided into obvious market sections—food, meat & seafood, apothecary, home, pets, etc.—and also according to dietary and lifestyle needs. The company creates its own line of products, and more recently started offering wine that is free of added sugars, pesticides, GMO yeasts.